Friday, 23 November 2012

Place of No Return

A tethered lion.
A road down-hill.
A crumbling shack.
It begins.

Under the canopy,
Darkness chases her.
She runs.
She runs beyond redemption.
She runs to where there is no return.

They gather.
They follow.
She knows not what she runs from.
Misery envelopes her.

The lion roars.
Still. Quietened.
None like it before. 
None since, has she seen.

White gold.

She sits, broken.
She will not cry.
She rises.
She will not cry.

As she walks away,
She looks back to see the depth.
Those eyes watch her disappear.

Yet, she will never find.
Yet, she cannot but search.
Misery and Peace quarrel
Enveloped is she.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Twenty Tomorrow

So, well, nothing surprising here :) Twenty tomorrow is obvious enough :")
But this post is about much much more.
I'm just really really happy right now. And Oh SO Thankful to God for His brilliance. I mean, like, I can't even put it into words. I'm just sitting here thinking of my life and how it's been so far. Yeah, I can see all those tears and stupidity and blah stuff. But then that's like just one miniscule part of my being. There are so many memories and people that come flooding in and it amazes me how I've met so many of them. So many stories and I'm telling you, He's planned it SO perfectly. I wouldn't change a thing! And He's taken me through so much and changed me so much. I just want to sit and smile and be like, I wish my smile could speak and it would just be telling the world that HE MADE ME. HE KNOWS MY NAME. HE CHOSE ME. HE LOVES ME. And this smile, is HIS. I am HIS.

I'm looking around and all I'm seeing is beauty. I mean seriously, this world is so beautiful. VERY MUCH! And to think, that Someone, who made ALL that, made me too and cares about me.
Jesus Loves Me. And He Loves you! *mindblown*

So this one's for you Lord, as is everything else I do, I hope. But I don't want to ever go into a year without You. I want You in my every moment. I want to reflect You in my every breathe. I'm looking forward to spending all that time by Your side, like never EVER before!

I know "Thank You" will never be enough but still, "Thank YOU!"
I'm singing out to You. Singing "Hallelujah" :)
Daddy God, You're the best. <3